McKenzie Ann Clough

McKenzie Ann Clough
November 17, 2010

Friday, November 18, 2011

Happy 1st Birthday McKenzie Ann!

Wow.  It's so true.  Time flies...especially when you are having the best time of your life.  This past year has been filled with nothing but love and joy from our first little girl.  She is everything we hope she'd be...and more!  She is starting to form some words other than mama and dada like ball and bye.  She loves stuffed animals and baby dolls.  She loves to try and run and climb anything in her sight.  She really enjoys daycare and seeing her friends every day. 

Eating has been quite the challege.  Solid foods aren't going as well.  She loves anything in a pouch. 

Nighttime sleep has been so great lately...I'm afriad the streak will end soon!  She's been sleeping approx 7-7 each night.  She takes 1-2 naps during the day for about a total of 2 hours.

At her year check up she weighed 21 lbs 15 oz (66%ile) and 31.5 inches long (98%ile).  Everything else looked great.  She got three shots and had to have blood taken (worst experience ever!!!).  They checked her blood for anemia, lead, and strawberry allergy due to last weeks rash after first strawberries.

She is wearing size 3 diapers and size 4 overnights. She is wearing 12-18 month clothing.  12s are a little tight while 18s are a little big!

McKenzie's 1st Birthday Party 11/13/11